Application data


As part of completing each application form, you will be asked to provide personal information in the _Application data_ field.

This information is not able to be viewed by anyone reviewing your application. It is anonymous, confidential and only used for reporting.


Multiple selection fields

On the _Application data_ form, several fields allow you to select multiple options. These are:

* Area of research

* Type of research

* Role

* Ethnicity

When you select an option in any of these fields, it is added above the drop-down list as in the illustration to the right. You can see at a glance how many options you have selected and what they are. To remove an option you have selected, click the _DELETE_ link alongside it.


Previously entered data

Although no user of the system can link the data you provide with the application you submit, the system can retrieve previously-entered data if you have completed this form for a past application. This means that when submitting a new application you only need to review and update the data you previously entered.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the "Get in touch" form on this page to send an inquiry to the Neurological Foundation.

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