Status filter

You can filter applications by their status.


*Saved* applications are those you've created but not yet submitted.

*Submitted* applications have received approval from the Research Office at the institution you're associated with.

*Approved* applications have received grants from Neurological Foundation Trust Board.

*Declined* applications are ones which are ultimately unsuccessful.

*Pending* applications are awaiting approval from the Research Office at the institution with which you're associated, prior to being submitted to Neurological Foundation.


The two icons above the status list let you select *all* or *none* of the options.

Immediately after you change any filter, Neurological Foundation portal's [#78,page reload] process will begin.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the "Get in touch" form on this page to send an inquiry to Neurological Foundation.

Dashboard | Applications | List all applications | Grant type filter | Funding round filter | Status filter | Page reload | Application process | Guides for application types | Chapman Fellowship | Guidelines and General Information | Ethical Aspects of Research | Conference or Training Course | Doctoral Scholarship | First Fellowship | O'Brien Fellowship | Project Grant | Senior Clinical Fellowship | Senior Research Fellowship | Small Project Grant | Summer Studentship | Travel Grant | Wrightson Fellowship | CatWalk Trust Project Grant | CatWalk Postdoctoral Fellowship | CatWalk Trust Doctoral Scholarship | Dawn Fellowship | CatWalk Trust Translational Award | Hackett Memorial Trust Conference and Training Grants | Neurology Postgraduate Scholarship | How to write a media summary | Platform Grants | Programme Grants | Create new application | Personal options | Profile | Log out | Welcome | Our relationship with you | Grant reports | Messages | Application data